Il Crotto S.Filippo

Cucina tipica paesana tra i freschi boschi delle prealpi lombarde


The English version

The English version

Typical cuisine  between the cool forests of the Lombard Prealps.
Typical cuisine  between the cool forests of the Lombard Prealps.

Typical cuisine  between the cool forests of the Lombard Prealps.

Open every Saturday Sunday & holidays, book your lunch at +39-0332-727859

You can reach us by car driving to Marzio, then driving in Via Porto Cereseio and then following the arrows for about 2 km


Trekking or by Cycling (MTB) from Cuoasso following the old military road for 3 km

Trekking or by Cycling (MTB) from Cuoasso following the old military road for 3 km

Trekking or by Cycling (MTB) from Cuoasso following the old military road for 3 km

Trekking or by Cycling (MTB) from Cuoasso following the old military road for 3 km

Trekking from Brusimpiano following the creek way for about  5 km

Trekking from Brusimpiano following the creek way for about  5 km

Trekking from Brusimpiano following the creek way for about  5 km

Trekking from Brusimpiano following the creek way for about  5 km

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